
Most recent posts:

How Does Creatine Work to Build Muscle?
Ok nerds, every wonder how exactly creatine works to build muscle and …
Creatine Pros and Cons: First 60 Days Supplementing with Creatine
The decision to supplement with creatine felt like a big one, where …
Finding Your Tipping Point or If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Now that I am almost 41, it is time to bring to …
It’s Gonna Be a Fight: 6, 5, 4 Months left training to climb 5.12
I have pinballed my way through May, June, July, and I have …

I’m a 42 year old high school English teacher who would rather be climbing, mountain biking, surfing, snowboarding, or writing about one of the above.  This doesn’t mean I’m a bad teacher. I’m actually a really good teacher. There are just other things I would rather be doing more.

I question myself all the time.  Nose diving off a wave, clenching my brakes down a hill, scared above a draw, squinting back tears because a fall actually hurt.  But I tell myself that believe in the journey, so I read books, make goals, rehab, pre-hab, hit my protein goals, buy knee pads, butt pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and get back out.  I try to write about it here: thoughts, goals, mistakes, plans, injuries, nutrition.  I write about it all to inspire myself and hopefully others as well. But wow is it hard.

How to Climb 5.12 before 40, Maybe

My current personal journey. Learning a lot along the way!

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